The most ancient and oldest way known to man to express his feelings, record his impressions or the happenings of his everyday like or anything that intrigues him/her is the form of painting. Even as kids our inherent capacity and orientation is to take a pencil and draw or just make lines. We love to fill color or any surface available to us.
face painting designs
While the art of drawing and painting comes naturally to some of us, other amongst us learns to master this art. As humans, we first learnt to explore art on our own bodies giving rise to use of henna and cosmetics later. Today, we explore a whole lot of ways and avenues to express ourselves or to show our support for a cause. The most common of the way to show some creativity and support for a cause is by face of face paintings.
Face painting today is mostly seen as a normal form of expression. If one looks around, one will note that there are many people around with face painted during a sensational soccer, cricket or baseball match to show support for their team or country. Here are a few tips to make sure you do a good job for face painting and at the same do not incur too much cost, and avoid any kind of allergic reactions.
- First and foremost, ensure that whoever you decide to give face paint is not allergic to colours that you intend to use.
- Use the best available quality paints, organic colours if possible, for your art and face painting designs of any kind
- Face painting is more efficient if one learns to use the sponge effectively
- Make sure you visualize the design, test and experiment with the color combination on a paper first. It is someone’s face you plan to paint and there is no way you can be painting over and over again. It is important to be clear and visualize the final look. If you are not sure, stick to a design you can easily master and have a reference painting at your disposal.
- Keep looking at the face paint design as you progress towards completion in a mirror to let us see the final result and the person you are painting to get a good look as well.
- Remember that you are painting a face, hence hygiene and cleanliness play a big role in your art form. Ensure you have hand wash, sanitizer and tissues at your disposal at all times besides your art tools.
To start with, your face painting rendezvous you can try some simple face painting designs like the one below with most basic colours and a simple outline. There is hardly anything that can go wrong with this design or pattern. A simple curve for a moon and a few stars to keep it company is a common drawing we all are used to and we can get it right in the first go. Straight lines with no details!! However, ensure that you paint the area around the eye very carefully and let the paint dry properly. Use thick and good quality colours to avoid any allergy.

If you are looking for simple and interesting face painting designs for kids, here is a simple and entertaining design. Kids and adults would like to be designed as a Minnie any day. Here is a simple design with a mix of creativity and a dash of little make up. What you have here is a dash of creativity, mixed with good quality face painting and a marvellous end result. Simple design and a great end result.

If you loved painting Minnie, then the bunny will definitely help you explore more curved lines and designs. Try to get this bugs bunny design right. This design helps you move from two colours to a mix of 3 colours and intricate pattern of setting one color within another. Simple and easy face painting designs are a great way to initiation in the art of face painting. You can get comfortable with colours and learn how to handle a person’s face when painting and develop an understanding of how colours behave, what time is required for them to set properly.

If you are comfortable, you can try some of these designs. It is advisable to avoid focusing too much on the cheeks of a person as you would need a complex, elaborate or big design to cover the whole area. Focus on the area around the eyes with some simple, or creative design that would add a spark and at the same time, catch the viewer’s attention. Try something like below mixed with a dash of sparkles and you have a bright design that looks amazing.

The best way to ensure that you don’t go wrong with simple face painting cheek designs is to try stand alone patterns like the one below. It is a design with even spacing and yet simple enough to keep it easy for you to cover the cheek without going wrong.
There are many of us who would love to experiment and try some fairy face painting designs for the sheer experience and attractiveness that these offer. One can try the following design, if you have mastered your strokes and hand movements to get this amazing design right and alive. The below pattern and design is a mix of great masterstrokes with brush and sheer genius to get the placing right on the face of this kid to make her look like an actual pixie.

Given the changing way of traditional ways to celebrate festivals, Easter is accompanied by kids dressed up as a bunny and the elder alike in faces painted like bunnies. We had one simple design above and here are two more designs that you can have try Easter face painting designs and be sure to get some real appreciation from friends and family alike. Here is a unique and beautiful design for easter with a lot of bright and beautiful use of many colours. Try your hand at this design and get ready to rock and roll.

The Easter face painting design below is a lot more diverse and needs you to be patient as well as expect the same from the one who wants the design to be painted. This is an intricate design with skill and mix of colours and a use of human features like the eyes to add a dash of life to the face of the bunny. Try this design this easter and remember to have patience as you bring this pattern to life.

One of the most common designs and face painting design that one comes across everywhere during Halloween is that of a cheetah. There are a lot of designs that one can find and copy during the festive season. Given below are two cheetah face painting designs that are simple, yet exude and represent some refined sense of style. The design below will help you set the groundwork for a good cheetah pattern. You can see that there is a base color painted first, that is the base work to get all your cheetah designs right before you mark them with the cheetah spots according to your liking. While you can experiment and try the different designs, you have to understand that many people will be trying the same design. Add a creative streak by use of some bright colours, some actual sparkling paints, glow in the dark colours etc. and make everyone fall in love with your design.

The best thing about cheetah face painting design is that the human face has a powerful ability to blend with the overall pattern. The below design is simple and yet at the same time allows for your creative genius to be expressed. Try this design by getting the eyes of the cheetah and the mouth just where your person is. Get this beautiful face with your paint.

Last but not the least you could try these ladybug face painting designs for any occasion or competition. Lady bug costumes and the above given cheetah costumes are amongst the most widely donned in fancy dress competitions. It is easy to get these designs right and given the easy availability of the costumes, one stands the chance to win a competition by getting the face painting right. Given below is one lady bug design that will make your child look amazing in that lady bug costume, anytime and anywhere or help and adult get some praise.

These face paintings designs are easy to get right, with a clear focus and practice if you don’t have a hand for painting. Above all, it is important to note and mention here that unlike a normal painting, the canvas is skin, a face of a person. You have to be cautious about your choice of colours and ensure that whoever you decide to paint is not allergic and wilfully accepts your design and allow you to paint her/him.