Metabolism is the chemical Process occurring within a living organism to maintain its life. The basic process of Metabolism includes transforming organic matter into energy ,the same energy we need to carry on with life. In today’s fast paced world people are subjected to foods containing excessive amounts of fats, sugar, oils and more. when these foods are consumed on a daily basis without adequate exercise and proper metabolism results in excess baggage of fats in the body. A good metabolism is the reason why that friend you have can eat a lot yet stays lean and slim while you put on weight. Boosting the metabolism rate helps the body to burn off the stored fat in the body so you lose wight and stay fit. A better metabolism ensures that your body gets all the energy it needs . Many people try different things like exercise, diets and supplements but there are some easy and safe ways in which one can increase their metabolism rate and help the body burn more fat. Boosting metabolism help in losing weight and staying fit.

Here we present some popularly known metabolism boosting foods:
Water :

Water is life we all know that but it does more than just quench our thirst. Water is a natural appetite suppressant . Water can help you feel full and kill those unhealthy food pangs . You can increase the body’s metabolism up to 25-30% by just drinking half a litre of water . Doctors suggest drinking at least six to eight glasses of water each day to keep the body hydrated. Having water during workouts helps to keep muscles working better, helps keeping you hydrated and the metabolism high.

Oatmeal or Plain oats, devoid of any added sugar or flavour is a good choice if you are looking to increase your metabolism. Oats have a large source of soluble and insoluble fibre . Oatmeal is a good source of protein as well as copper, vitamin E, zinc, serenium , magnesium, and iron and manganese. Soluble fibre in the Oatmeal helps to reduce bad LDL cholesterol and keeping the good HDL Cholesterol levels stable. It is also considered good for the diabetics as the soluble fibre in the oatmeal helps reduce the digestion rate of starch. Reduced starch digestion will help you from experiencing sudden blood sugar spikes following meals. Oats also reduces risks of heart diseases and the phytochemicals in the oats help avoiding cancer.
Oats gives a lot of energy for exercising and working out and is best for those going to the Gym.

One of Nature’s Miracle foods , Almonds are a great food to boost the metabolism. Almonds are rich in nutrients and for just a few pieces of almond you will get a good amount of healthy nutrients and calories.
Almonds are rich in Vitamin E and Fibre. Fibre rich foods help to keep you feeling full and hence reduce the chances of unhealthy food pangs. Almonds are believed to be one of the most nutritious nuts and hence are the best way to get some healthy calories and nutrients.
Almonds lower Bad LDL cholesterol and help you keep the Healthy cholesterol levels stable. Almonds are a good source of fibre, protein and monounsaturated fats . All of these help to keep the tummy full and healthy.
Lean Meats:

Lean meats are good for the body, they are healthier and are good for your metabolism. These lean meats take long to digest than fruits ,veggies etc and provide lots of energy for activities. It’s a good choice for those doing lots of physical activities.

Avocado has monounsaturated fat which is found as to boost the fat burning process thrice. The monounsaturated fats helps the fat burning hormones to work better and help stop the fat storing process of the body.

Blueberries are known as one of the most antioxidant rich foods available and are considered to help fight the unhealthy free radicals in the body. The free radicals build up in the body and can damage healthy cells . Antioxidant rich blueberries are a great way to prevent oxidation process from taking place in the body and prevent formation of Free radicals.

High glucoraphanin brocoli helps to boost up the metabolism process of the body. It reduces the fatty acids in the blood and lipid compounds too. It helps in reducing inflammation, provides antioxidant to help reduce free radicals in the body.
brocoli has been found in helping to reduce cancer risks as well as help reduce the risk of diabetes.
Chili Peppers:

Chili Peppers are known to contain a chemical compound named Capsaicin that boosts metabolism. Capsaicin is the same element which gives these their heat. The best peppers for boosting your metabolism include jalapeno, Habanero, Cayenne. These peppers help to keep blood thin and also help in keeping you thin. These act as an anti inflammatory and control pains . Chilies have been found to increase the metabolism rate to up to 8% which will help you to keep yourself away from food for a longer period.
Red Beans/Kidney Beans:

Red Beans or Kidney Beans are rich in Protein and a good source of Fiber. Kidney beans are packed with resistant starch which packs in 2 gm of the slimming carbohydrate. Resistant starch , the main starch in beans help to repair the lining of the intestine. This helps to repair inflammation; fight against cancer and any harmful bacteria. Insulin levels are also controlled by this magic food. The fiber rich beans help the body store less fat and keeps the tummy feeling full. Beans help lower cholesterol levels and control triglycerides. It is rich in Vitamin B and Zinc.

Garlic is a well-known food in the weight loss industry which helps to increase metabolism. Garlic is rich in antioxidants which help in keeping hormones working perfectly, helps regulate the work of the liver and lower cholesterol levels. It’s also said to boost testosterone levels in the body which in turn helps to provide more energy.
Raspberries & Strawberries:

Red berries like raspberries and Strawberries are considered super fruits and contain anthocyanins. This element has been found to control fat cells from increasing. These berries also control inflammation. The polyphenols in these berries help the body resist absorbing fats and starches.
Green Tea:

Green tea is now a phenomena which has caught on the whole world and the reason is also true. Polyphenols found in green tea help reduce cardiovascular diseases as well as cancer. It boosts metabolism and keeps you feeling full.
Egg Whites:

Egg whites have healthy amino acids and are loaded with proteins and Vitamin D. These help to keep the metabolism high and fulfill your daily protein needs.

Bananas are one of the most effective super fruits and are high in Resistance Starch. It’s said that a slightly greenish medium-sized Banana contains around 12 Grams of resistance starch which improves metabolism and is filling too.

Cinnamon, One of the most used Aromatic Spice is also a great element in boosting metabolism and burning fat. The spice helps to break the glucose faster and help it soak into the cells faster. This helps control blood sugar levels and helps boost metabolism.

Grapefruit has been considered one of the most effective weight loss fruit in the world. One can lose a good amount of weight and boost their metabolism by eating one grape fruit each day. Grapefruit is a good source of Vitamin C and is acidic so it helps to keep your metabolism high. Grapefruit helps to break down fat better and lower insulin levels too.

Coffee is rich in Caffeine which has been a part of many Fat Burning supplements and medicines. Caffeine in the coffee stimulates the Central nervous system ; the Theobromine and Theophylline in the Coffee also act as a stimulant. Chlorogenic Acid in Coffee helps to slow the absorbing power of carbohydrates. It also blocks Adenosine in the Brain. Coffee helps to break fat down and increase levels of Adrenaline. Caffeine helps make free fatty acids which are available in blood and help in boosting metabolism.

Ginger has been proven to help in solving digestive problems and increasing metabolism in humans. Ginger has the power to stimulate G.S.T and improving metabolism cycle.
These are the most commonly known metabolism boosting foods. A high metabolism rate will ensure that you are active, lean and fit. Healthy metabolism boosting foods will help you lose wight and stay fit. Do let us know your views about these Metabolism boosting Foods.