Women and Men across the globe suffer from one common problem once in their life. This common problem is known as ‘Blackheads’ . For many it’s a daily problem which they have to tackle each day. There are many over the counter creams available to counter the Black head problems . But with chemical treatments come side effects and I’m sure you all would love to see the same effects from Home remedies and natural products. Here we present some Home remedies for you to help Fight Blackheads and remove them effectively.

But Before we present the remedies let’s know what Black head really is first;
Blackheads are actually clogged pores of the skin. Akin debris(Keratin) mixes with skin oils to block the hair follicles. When this skin debris and oil reach the surface and are exposed to the Air then it turns black in color and are called Blackheads.
So now that you know what Blackheads are ,here are some Home remedies known to be really effective on Blackheads.
Method 1 : Coriander and Turmeric

Coriander and Turmeric are two very common herbs available in Indian Households. These herbs are used for cooking , yet they are really effective in removing Blackheads. Use some leaves and make a paste from it and add some turmeric powder to it. Apply this mixture on the black head affected area and remove when dry.
Method 2: Orange Peel Paste

Orange Peel is a great ingredient for many skin remedies like skin lightening. Now-a-days Orange Peel powder is easy to find at any local shop and you can also make it yourselves from dried Orange rind. This powder is very helpful when mixed with a little bit of water and formed into a paste. The paste can be scrubbed on the black head affected area for a few minutes. This paste will be effective to remove blackheads easily.
Method 3: Yogurt and Lemon Mixture

Yogurt and lemon juice are very effective for black head removal. To make the mixture for black head removal add four teaspoons of yogurt with two teaspoons of lemon juice to form a paste. This paste can be applied on the affected area to remove blackheads.
Method 4: Rose Water

Rose water has been a part of skin care ritual for many and it’s benefits are already known. I is also effective in removing Blackheads . Just clean your face with Rose water . Use a cotton pad/ball soaked in Rose water to clean your face, especially the Black head affected area. Rosewater is suitable for all skin types.
Method 5: Egg White and Honey Mixture

Egg whites are really great for skin and for Black head prevention. To make this home remedy take an egg white . Beat this egg white and add two teaspoon of Honey and mix well. Apply this mixture on the black head affected area and keep half an hour till it dries completely. Wash off with cold water or use a cotton pad soaked in rose-water to remove the face pack.
This is one of the most effective home remedies .
Method 6: Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a natural bleach and skin lightening agent that is used in many skin packs, skin care products and home remedies. The best way to use Lemon for Blackheads is to apply the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon on the affected area. This should be left on overnight to help it work fully. This method helps to regulate oil and remove blackheads from the affected area.
Undiluted lemon juice may be a bit too harsh for many so you can also dilute it and use. But the most effective use of it would be undiluted.
Method 7 : Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a very beneficial plant and helps in many skin and hair problems. Aloe vera juice is quite helpful for Black head removal. Fresh aloe vera juice has soothing and healing qualities and applying fresh aloe vera juice to the most common areas for blackheads like Chin, cheeks, nose and other areas everyday will help in removing blackheads effectively.
Method 8: Salt
Salt water is known to dry skin out which is the main reason why it helps to remove extra oils from skin. Salt can soak the excess oils from the skin and while rubbing a bit of salt on the affected areas each day can be a great way to eliminate blackheads it’s better to wash the face with saline water each day to control excess oil and prevent blackheads.
Method 9 : Honey, Baking Soda and Lemon Juice
Honey, lemon juice and Baking Soda is a great combination for Black head removal. Baking soda is a great ingredient for the removal of persistent Blackheads. To make this home remedy mix a teaspoon of honey with a few drops lemon juice. Add a pinch of baking soda with this mixture and apply this to the affected areas. Leave this paste till it completely dries and remove it with cold water.
Method 10: Toothpaste

Well, toothpaste has been a great home remedy for pimples for many years but did you know that Mint toothpaste can help remove Black heads??? Just apply a little bit of toothpaste on the black head affected skin and leave on till it dries. Wipe off with a wet cotton pad/ball.
Method 11: Rose water and Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a great natural skin scrub and it works as a great exfoliant. To use oatmeal just mix a bit of oatmeal powder with a few drops of rose-water to make a paste. Apply this mixture to the affected area and keep until the pack dries. Keep it for at least 15 minutes and wash off.
Method 12 : Potato Juice

Blackheads can be effectively removed with the help of potatoes! To use potatoes, mash or grate a raw potato and rub it on the face fo 15 to 20 minutes . The juice should be left for twenty minutes before washing it off.
Method 13: Almonds and Gram Flour
Almonds act as a good exfoliator and Gram Flour is also a very effective natural skin care product. Use a mixture of Gram Flour and crushed almonds with a few drops of rose-water to make a paste and apply on to your Affected areas .
Method 14 :Fenugreek Leaves
Fenugreek leaves are also quite effective in removing Blackheads. Make a paste by crushing some fresh Fenugreek leaves into a paste using a few drops of water. USe this paste regularly to remove any blackheads.
Method 15 : Baking Soda Paste
Baking soda is quite known for its effectiveness against blackheads. To reduce blackheads and remove it make a paste with a teaspoon of baking soda and add a few drops of water to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste and keep it on for half an hour. Wash this off with lukewarm water to see the difference.
Method 16 : Sugar and lemon

A very easy to follow technique of Black head removal is using lemon and sugar. Add a few drops of lemon juice in a spoon full of sugar and start rubbing this on the affected area. Don’t be too harsh and apply just a little pressure. Use circular motion to rub the mixture in and leave it on for as long as you like. This removes black heads, dead skin an helps new healthy skin to glow.
Method 17 :Honey
Honey is used in many of the above mentioned Home remedies but if used alone it is also good for the skin. Honey helps remove black heads and nourish skin.
Method 18 :Tomato

Tomato is known for its bleaching properties but it can also be used for black head removal. To use tomato for black head removal mash one tomato and apply the pulp and juice on the affected area. Do this each day and leave it on for half an hour. wash the mixture off with cold water.
These were the few Home remedies which are known to be very effective in removing Blackheads. Blackheads are a common problem and with proper methods can be kept under control.So now that you know these easy Home remedies to Remove and Control your blackheads naturally do try them and let us know .